Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Doctor Horney Saved My Life - A Testimonial by Joseph Barlotta

I've been a patient of Dr. Horney since 1990.  I have always been pleased with his philosophy of Wellness, of preventing problems before they materialize, of combining traditional medical care with chiropractic and holistic treatments.  However, it was in 1991 that my relationship and regard for Doctor Horney deepened.  During a routine visit, Doctor Horney discovered that my lymph glands were swollen on one side of my neck.  He advised that I see my primary care physician for an examination.  It was discovered that I had Stage IV cancer on the base of my tounge.  After a rigorous and at times debilitating regimen of treatment at Memorial Sloan Kettering Hospital during that summer of 1991, 2011 will mark my tenth anniversary of being cancer-free.  Doctor Horney literally saved my life.

Over the years, Doctor Horney has been as important, if not more so, to my ongoing health as any medical practicioner I have dealth with.  He has introduced me to a regimen of supplements taylored to my individual needs.  He regularly seeks out information and answers to questions I may bring to him.  As a result of the chemotherapy I received in 2001, I have been left with neuropathy in my lower legs.  I wear braces and walk with a cane.  Doctor Horney has assisted me and encouraged me to maximize my physical abilities so that I am able to remain active and enjoy life.  I practice yoga, ride a bicycle, attend a senior fitness class and walk on the beach when weather permits.

I get regular massages and have recently added Reiki to that part of my therapy with Marisa.  The combination of chiropractic adjustment, supplements and massage/Reiki has proven vital to my continued wellbeing.  My regard for Doctor Horney's skill and knowledge are immense.  Of equal importance to me are his ongoing encouragement and his positive approach to life.

-  Joseph Barlotta

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