Taking steps towards better health is important. Port Jefferson Chiropractic can help you move forward. Do you stop and think about yourself and your health? Every decision that you make can be directed towards moving toward health and happiness. Every bite you eat can be good for you. Every step you take can lead you towards the goal of at least 10,000 steps a day, which is almost 5 miles. The decision to put you and your health first is the first big step towards insuring a healthy life.
Have you decided that it is finally time to reduce the stress in your life? Start to think about your breathing. Fitting in moments to be aware of your breathing can be as simple as waiting on line or on hold. Now is the time to move forward and really take care of you. It can be in the first five minutes of the day. Simply breathe deeply and focus on the fact that you will take care of yourself today. Have you thought about taking yoga, meditation or dance class? This can be time where you are paying attention to your whole self.
This can be the day that you step up your wellness into the next level by making a change in what you eat and drink. Are you allowing poisons into your body? Do you read labels and try to avoid trans-fats, excess sugars and junk food? Each time you eat is an opportunity to be good to yourself.
Do you have a hobby? You can start out with walking, which is a healthy way to shape up. Working out at the gym, yoga, martial arts, dancing, swimming and cycling are great healthy hobbies. When you find something that you get excited about you will not even realize that you are being healthy and happy.
An important way to take care of yourself is to schedule a Chiropractic adjustment. When you are adjusted your body is aligned and you will have less pain. There are many ways that a Chiropractor can help you with this by relieving the stresses on your body and in your daily routine. Deciding to have a Chiropractic Evaluation is an important way to assess your health.
Give us a call at 631-751-7700 if you would like a complimentary consultation or check out our Facebook page.
Port Jefferson Chiropractic, Massage and Hypnosis Center is a comprehensive office that will support you in your wellness needs. Michael S. Horney D.C. has had over 30 years of Chiropractic experience. We offer chiropractic care, massage, hypnosis, weight loss and nutritional counseling, as well as orthotics. We are located at 416 Rte 25A, East Setauket, NY 11733. 631-751-7700.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Orthotics Can Help You Find Balance
Your life needs balance from your feet to the top of your head. The team at Port Jefferson Chiropractic believe that Orthotics can help to balance your body by helping to provide a solid foundation. Do you have back pain? Do you feel off balance? Do your feet hurt? Orthotics may be the answer for you.
What are orthotics? They are inserts that fit into your shoes. They are scientifically made to correct the imbalances in your feet to improve your gait and the balance in your entire body.
When you are in the office for an adjustment you can ask about Foot Levelers, which are custom made orthotics. We use cutting edge technology to provide a perfect fit for your inserts. First, you stand on our scanning machine and the computer analyzes the structure of your feet and designs an orthotic to correct your postural and foot issues. The information is sent to Foot Levelers who manufacture your custom orthotics and they will be ready for you within 10 days.
A great example of a person who has benefited from Foot Levelers is Andrew (Virginia's husband). Andrew was born with vision in only one eye and this greatly effected his gait and posture. The lack of depth perception led him to lead with one side of his body and every movement was out of alignment. The orthotics really and truly leveled him and his posture and gait (while wearing the orthotics) is corrected. Even lifting weights at the gym is improved because his foundation is stable and balanced.
Have you noticed pain in your arches? Maybe you don't have arches (flat feet). Even leg pain can be alleviated by correcting your posture from you feet up. Ask someone to watch you when you walk. Is your gait affected by your foot falls? Do you swing your hip to one side or favor one side?
When you balance your foundation with orthotics you can help to balance your health.
What are orthotics? They are inserts that fit into your shoes. They are scientifically made to correct the imbalances in your feet to improve your gait and the balance in your entire body.
When you are in the office for an adjustment you can ask about Foot Levelers, which are custom made orthotics. We use cutting edge technology to provide a perfect fit for your inserts. First, you stand on our scanning machine and the computer analyzes the structure of your feet and designs an orthotic to correct your postural and foot issues. The information is sent to Foot Levelers who manufacture your custom orthotics and they will be ready for you within 10 days.
A great example of a person who has benefited from Foot Levelers is Andrew (Virginia's husband). Andrew was born with vision in only one eye and this greatly effected his gait and posture. The lack of depth perception led him to lead with one side of his body and every movement was out of alignment. The orthotics really and truly leveled him and his posture and gait (while wearing the orthotics) is corrected. Even lifting weights at the gym is improved because his foundation is stable and balanced.
Have you noticed pain in your arches? Maybe you don't have arches (flat feet). Even leg pain can be alleviated by correcting your posture from you feet up. Ask someone to watch you when you walk. Is your gait affected by your foot falls? Do you swing your hip to one side or favor one side?
When you balance your foundation with orthotics you can help to balance your health.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
A Summary of Different Chiropractic Techniques
At Port Jefferson Chiropractic we offer a wide variety of techniques to keep you healthy and pain free. Have you ever wondered why you go into specific rooms when you visit Dr. Horney's office? We have two different types of chiropractic tables which offer customized adjustment possibilities.
Have you thought about the different types of chiropractic adjustments? Doctor Michael Horney evaluates each patient who comes to Port Jefferson Chiropractic and chooses from the following techniques to treat each individual. Have you wondered why you may need a special adjustment table and others may not? Do you think that chiropractic only helps back problems. There are techniques to relieve neck pain, headaches, leg pain and shoulder pain. Feel free to ask the team at Port Jefferson Chiropractic if you have any questions about your specific treatment.
Diversified This type of adjustment is a combination of different hands-on techniques to adjust the entire spine. Often you will hear the "popping" sound with this type of technique. The "popping" sound called cavitation is actually gas bubbling out of the fluid normally found in the joint space. This noise let's us know that there was movement in the joint.
Cox (Flexion-Distraction) or Manual Spinal Decompression This technique involves traction or stretching of the spine to alleviate pain and pressure on the spine. The Doctor uses the table itself to help the doctor to stretch out the patients back. It's also known as a manual decompression technique. It's very gentle and especially helpful with disc problems.
Applied Kinesiology This is a method that pays attention to the alignment of bones and muscles trying to balance both using massage and sometimes acupressure to restore muscle function. It's considered an energy technique - also very gentle.
DNFT or Directional Non-Force Technique This is a way of using pressure on the spine and then checking leg length to see how well the adjustment has worked.
Gonstead This is a specific type of adjusting and analysis of the spine - similar to the diversified technique in terms of the "popping" noise you hear.
SOT or Sacro-Occipital Technique A gentle technique using wedges placed strategically to let the weight of your body actually make thee spinal correction.
Activator An instrument used to adjust the spine. Very gentle and precise as opposed to a hands-on adjustment.
Soft Tissue Techniques - Manual Mobilization Hands-on technique used to massage the muscles, reduce trigger points, increase blood flow and reduce metabolic waste products that build up in tight muscles.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Port Jefferson Chiropractic: Doctor Michael Horney Helps and Heals
Port Jefferson Chiropractic: Doctor Michael Horney Helps and Heals: "Doctor Michael Horney Helps and Heals His Friends and Family. The following are three testimonials that are especially close to Dr. Horney..."
Doctor Michael Horney Helps and Heals
Doctor Michael Horney Helps and Heals His Friends and Family. The following are three testimonials that are especially close to Dr. Horney's heart.
I’ve known Doctor Horney all of his life. I was recovering from a gallbladder operation in a hospital in Florida when I began to experience severe back pain. The Doctors at the hospital said it was back spasms and prescribed high doses of various pain medications, anti-imflammatories and muscle relaxants. It just wasn’t getting any better after several days. Finally, I called Doctor Horney to ask for his opinion. Although I had no fever and my Doctor at the hospital said that my blood work did not show any signs of an infection, Doctor Horney suggested that I get an MRI to rule out an infection of the spinal bones or disks.
The Doctors at the hospital would not order an MRI because they said I had no signs of infection.
Doctor Horney said that even though I had no fever and negative blood work, the severe pain I was experiencing in my back despite all the medication I was taking for the pain made him suspicious of a bone infection which can happen after a surgical procedure.
He suggested that I check out of the hospital and go to the emergency room, explain my symptoms and the ER Doctor would most likely order the MRI. I did just that.
They took the MRI.
They diagnosed osteomyelitis of the spine and I was on IV antibiotics in a nursing home for 6 weeks. I could have died.
Doctor Horney explained to me that despite testing, you always have to listen to the patient. Tests are not infallible. Doctor Horney listened and accurately diagnosed my condition over the phone, when the Doctors in the hospital would have released me and let me go home.
By the way, Doctor Horney is my brother.
I’ve known Doctor Horney for 37 years.
A routine lab test came back with mildly elevated calcium in my blood. My Doctor, who is very good, suggested that it was most likely due to the calcium supplement that I was taking.
When I showed the lab results to Doctor Horney he suggested that although it could be from the calcium supplements, calcium is very narrowly regulated in the blood and checking the parathyroid levels might be a good idea.
Although I had no symptoms, I went and had lab work to evaluate my parathyroid hormones.
It turns out that they were abnormally high.
Further follow-up showed a benign parathyroid tumor which had to surgically removed.
If I had not been diagnosed and treated at that time I may have developed osteoporosis and kidney stones.
I’m grateful to Doctor Horney to this day.
By the way, Doctor Horney is my husband!
- Phyllis E. Radin
I went to Doctor Horney to have my neck checked out. He said he saw and felt what appeared to be a cyst or a nodule on my thyroid.
He suggested that I see my family Doctor. My family Doctor did not see or feel what Doctor Horney did.
Doctor Horney was certain that he saw and felt a cyst or a nodule on my thyroid upon reexamining me and suggested that I see an Endocrinologist.
The Endocrinologist examined me, did some follow-up studies, sonograms etc. and sure enough, I had a solitary nodule on my thyroid that was treated with medication for a few years at which time it eventually resolved.
My name is Laura Farr. I’ve worked with Doctor Horney for close to 25 years, as his office manager.
He’s a great diagnostician as well as a great Chiropractor and a wonderful person to work with,
- Laura Farr, Office Manager
Monday, April 25, 2011
Port Jefferson Chiropractic: Heat versus Cold - Chiropractic Smackdown!
Port Jefferson Chiropractic: Heat versus Cold - Chiropractic Smackdown!: "How do you choose between Cold or Heat to help with pain? If you are not in the office - where Doctor Horney can guide you -..."
Heat versus Cold - Chiropractic Smackdown!
How do you choose between Cold or Heat to help with pain? If you are not in the office - where Doctor Horney can guide you - it may be hard to decide between Ice and Fire!
Some patients come into the office with severe pain and receive ice pack treatment. This is meant to reduce inflammation in the area of pain. Cold or cryo-therapy is a way to stop the cycle of extreme pain and allow the body to recuperate faster.
After the cryo-therapy has done its job, many patients still need pain relief and receive heat therapy. Moist heat therapy allows muscles to relax and be more acceptable to chiropractic adjustment and healing. Our moist heat pads are continuously heated in a temperature controlled hydroculator. This assures that the heat is effective yet will not be too hot. Always remember, though, that if you are feeling uncomfortable with either types of therapy, you can always shed the pads and drop them to the floor. Fifteen to twenty minutes is the ideal time for both therapies.
Have you experienced Biofreeze? This is the gel that Doctor Horney may rub on the painful areas of your body. It is a therapy that starts out cold to reduce inflammation and then within 5 minutes it turns to heat to relieve pain for hours. This is a wonderful product that can help you, whether you need to sleep peacefully or need to get through a stressful day.
We also provide a ice/heat pad that you can either put into your freezer or your microwave - depending on your needs. Maybe it can be used on a cold Spring Day to soothe your back with heat while you are enjoying a cup of tea and a nice movie. Sometimes it's just nice to treat yourself.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Ultrasound Therapy - A Natural Pain Killer
Ultrasound is a treatment used by Chiropractors, Physical Therapists and Occuptaional Therapists to treat soft tissue pain in patients. It may help reduce your pain if your have the following conditions:
- Neck and Back Pain
- Arthritis
- Myofascial pain (pain in the connective tissue)
- Bursitis
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Scar tissue pain
- Sprains and Strains
- Tendonitis
For over 50 years, Ultrasound has been used as a healing therapy and is approved by the FDA. Ultrasound is like a deep tissue massage due to the sound waves it emits. Ultrasonic waves (sound waves of a high frequency) vibrate from the treatment head of the ultrasound machine. The head is moved over the surface of the skin in the area of the pain or injury. A special gel is applied to the skin and helps the sound waves penetrate the skin.
The ultrasound waves cause a vibration of the tissues in the area of application and this leads to a production of heat within the tissue that may help to lessen pain and muscle spasms. The heat and vibration may also increase blood flow which helps to rid the area of waste products and helps to reduce inflamation. This may also stimulate to production of collagen (the main protein element in soft tissue) and this also helps healing.
If you feel that ultrasound can be helpful for you, feel free to discuss it with Doctor Horney. He is always here for you.
- Neck and Back Pain
- Arthritis
- Myofascial pain (pain in the connective tissue)
- Bursitis
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Scar tissue pain
- Sprains and Strains
- Tendonitis
For over 50 years, Ultrasound has been used as a healing therapy and is approved by the FDA. Ultrasound is like a deep tissue massage due to the sound waves it emits. Ultrasonic waves (sound waves of a high frequency) vibrate from the treatment head of the ultrasound machine. The head is moved over the surface of the skin in the area of the pain or injury. A special gel is applied to the skin and helps the sound waves penetrate the skin.
The ultrasound waves cause a vibration of the tissues in the area of application and this leads to a production of heat within the tissue that may help to lessen pain and muscle spasms. The heat and vibration may also increase blood flow which helps to rid the area of waste products and helps to reduce inflamation. This may also stimulate to production of collagen (the main protein element in soft tissue) and this also helps healing.
If you feel that ultrasound can be helpful for you, feel free to discuss it with Doctor Horney. He is always here for you.
A Beautiful Testimonial from Alicia Cedar
Fiteen or twenty years ago I went to see Doctor Horney. He took X-Rays of an area bothering me and saw that I had alot of plaque in my carotid arteries. He said that he was not going to adjust me as the plaque could break off and cause bad damage. He strongly suggested that I go see my Doctor and the results were two operations. One on each carotid artery. He saved me from what would have been a stroke or worse if left unattended.
Last year, I had pain between my shoulder blades for a week or more. I thought that I pulled a muscle at the gym. I called Doctor Horney and went to see him. I explained my problem. He said to me "Alicia, you sounded out of breath on the phone, are you often out of breath?" Then he said "Have you ever had a stress test? Due to your history of your carotids, family history and age, I would advise you to take the stress test first and if all is well I'll treat you then." Two weeks later I was undergoing a heart by-pass for 5 blockages in my arterial artery.
That was the second time Doctor Horney has saved me from grave damage or worse. I thank my lucky stars for the day that I met this man. Due to his willingness and ability to think beyond his field is a testament to not only his intelligence but his caring and humanity.
- Alicia Cedar
A Patient Spotlight - Janice Fleishman-Eaton
I am an Adult Health Nurse Practitioner currently working in the Department of Cardiothoracic Surgey at Stony Brook University Medical Center. Since becoming an NP in October 2008, I have had many different job experiences and have found that giving Primary Care was the most rewarding, although I would prefer to have had more time to talk to my patients about what their health concerns were.
During most of my thirty years as a Registered Nurse I worked with cardiac patients and did alot of patient teaching. Heart disease, particularly coronary heart disease is the #1 killer in this country. In the late 1990's I began coordinating our Cardiac Education Program at SBUMC and was part of the American Heart Association Speaker Community Outreach.
I believe that people need the tools to take control of their health. Education is a very powerful tool.
I am excited to be a part of a health care and wellness group as caring and professional as Marisa Chadbourne, MT and Michael Horney, DC.
Janice also has a testimonial about Port Jefferson Chiropractic:
I have been seeing Michael as my chiropractor for 23 years. I have had lower back degenerative disease since my mid 20's. Stress has also put my back and neck out of alignment. I find relief from pain at every visit to Port Chiropractic. Michael personalizes my treatment, treats me gently, and gives me all the information that I ask for to help me understand what is happening and to help myself get better. I continue to do yoga, walking, biking and gardening. If I am not outside breathing in fresh air and sunshine, I am craving it. I am very grateful to have a health care and wellness provider who has an office that is so welcoming and healing. Thank you to Michael and his wonderful staff.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Doctor Horney Saved My Life - A Testimonial by Joseph Barlotta
I've been a patient of Dr. Horney since 1990. I have always been pleased with his philosophy of Wellness, of preventing problems before they materialize, of combining traditional medical care with chiropractic and holistic treatments. However, it was in 1991 that my relationship and regard for Doctor Horney deepened. During a routine visit, Doctor Horney discovered that my lymph glands were swollen on one side of my neck. He advised that I see my primary care physician for an examination. It was discovered that I had Stage IV cancer on the base of my tounge. After a rigorous and at times debilitating regimen of treatment at Memorial Sloan Kettering Hospital during that summer of 1991, 2011 will mark my tenth anniversary of being cancer-free. Doctor Horney literally saved my life.
Over the years, Doctor Horney has been as important, if not more so, to my ongoing health as any medical practicioner I have dealth with. He has introduced me to a regimen of supplements taylored to my individual needs. He regularly seeks out information and answers to questions I may bring to him. As a result of the chemotherapy I received in 2001, I have been left with neuropathy in my lower legs. I wear braces and walk with a cane. Doctor Horney has assisted me and encouraged me to maximize my physical abilities so that I am able to remain active and enjoy life. I practice yoga, ride a bicycle, attend a senior fitness class and walk on the beach when weather permits.
I get regular massages and have recently added Reiki to that part of my therapy with Marisa. The combination of chiropractic adjustment, supplements and massage/Reiki has proven vital to my continued wellbeing. My regard for Doctor Horney's skill and knowledge are immense. Of equal importance to me are his ongoing encouragement and his positive approach to life.
- Joseph Barlotta
Friday, March 11, 2011
Port Jefferson Chiropractic: A Testimonial by Anne Kelly-Edmunds
Port Jefferson Chiropractic: A Testimonial by Anne Kelly-Edmunds: "Personal, professional, quality care is the hallmark of the Port Jefferson Chiropractic center. Dr. Michael Horney provides experien..."
A Testimonial by Anne Kelly-Edmunds
Personal, professional, quality care is the hallmark of the Port Jefferson Chiropractic center. Dr. Michael Horney provides experienced chiropractic treatment with skill and kindness. Over the more than 15 years that I have been a patient of Doctor Horney's, I have benefitted many times from his competent care. Dr. Horney has relieved and/or eased my low-back, leg and hand pain, as well as dizziness from vertigo. He has offered me guidance on healthful nutrition, exercise and posture. He takes his time with each patient to ensure quality care; I have never felt rushed. Dr. Horney is sure to refer to another medical specialist, if he thinks such an assessment is in the patient's best interest. It is the patient's best interest that is Dr. Horney's top priority. He is a doctor focused on providing state-of-the-art care, including hypnosis to help people relax and change unwanted behaviors, such as smoking or overeating. His personality is such that a patient is easily put at ease by his warmth, easy humor and reassuring manner. These traits are followed through in his support staff, who are kind, friendly and efficient. Marisa Chadbourne, LMT, is on staff, and I have benefitted from the relaxing, healing effects of her amazing, multifaceted massage-therapy work. Port Jefferson Chiropractic is an office where I feel warmly welcomed by all and recieve the best of care.
- Anne Kelly-Edmunds
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Fish Oil Capsules Can Benefit Your Health
Have you thought about adding fish oil capsules to your health regimen? Have you heard about the amazing health benefits of Omega 3s?
I used to take fish oil capsules for awhile - years ago - and then I stopped because I didn't like the side effect of fishy tasting burps. Then Doctor Horney told me about the Lemon Flavored EPA-DHA Fish Oil Capsules from Metagenics. Check out http://www.metagenics.com/ for more info. I tried a few of Doctor Horney's personal supply and was amazed that the Lemon Flavor completely masked the fishy flavor. This made it easier to take care of myself without unwanted side-effects.
There are many health benefits associated with Omega 3 Fatty Acids found in Fish Oil:
1. Great for your heart and Cardiovascular system: Studies have proven that Omega 3 Fatty Acids (O3FA) have helped patients to lower cholesterol, triglycerides and help to support the structure of arteries and veins.
2. Great for your waistline: Studies have shown that O3FA's help to break down the Omentum (the type of fat that exists under the layer of muscles - which is much more dangerous to your health than Subcutaneous - the type of fat just below the skin). Omentum fat effects your organs negatively and can be partially reduced by lowering your bodies' Inflamation levels. Guess what helps lower your bodies' Inflamation levels? - O3FAs!
A personal note on this: I have a fight on my hands! It is with my Omentum. I have made some changes to my lifestyle to reduce Inflamation and reduce my belly fat. I have tried to elimate sugar and high-glycemic foods from my lifestyle - which works most of the time. I have taken supplements such as O3FA Fish Oil Capsules and have added healthy Omega 3 foods like salmon and walnuts. My pants size has gone from a size 20 to a size 14 in the past 5 years or so. I still have a ways to go but it is easier now that I have better knowledge on how to take care of myself.
3. Great for Stroke and Heart Attack Prevention: O3FAs help to break up blood clots before they can do damage.
4. Great for your Brain: Studies show O3FAs improve memory, focus and brain function.
5. Great for your blues: Studies have shown that O3FAs help to relieve Depression and even Psycosis.
6. And, recent studies have shown that O3FAs have helped build muscle mass in cancer patients!
Think about taking the next step to your good health - EPA - DHA Fish Oil Capsules ($40 for 120 softgels) - sold at my desk in the office.
For some of my research I have referenced:
One of my favorite books 'You: On a Diet' by Dr Michael F. Roizen and Dr. Mehmet C. Oz
and http://www.metagenics.com/
The bottle describes EPA-DHA 720 as follows:
EPA-DHA 720 is a highly concentrated source of health-promoting omega-3 essential fatty acids from cold water fish - a total of 720 mg EPA and DHA per softgel, the highest level available. Advantages of this premium formula include:
- pharmaceutical-grade fish oil
- purity certified
- natural lemon flavor
I used to take fish oil capsules for awhile - years ago - and then I stopped because I didn't like the side effect of fishy tasting burps. Then Doctor Horney told me about the Lemon Flavored EPA-DHA Fish Oil Capsules from Metagenics. Check out http://www.metagenics.com/ for more info. I tried a few of Doctor Horney's personal supply and was amazed that the Lemon Flavor completely masked the fishy flavor. This made it easier to take care of myself without unwanted side-effects.
There are many health benefits associated with Omega 3 Fatty Acids found in Fish Oil:
1. Great for your heart and Cardiovascular system: Studies have proven that Omega 3 Fatty Acids (O3FA) have helped patients to lower cholesterol, triglycerides and help to support the structure of arteries and veins.
2. Great for your waistline: Studies have shown that O3FA's help to break down the Omentum (the type of fat that exists under the layer of muscles - which is much more dangerous to your health than Subcutaneous - the type of fat just below the skin). Omentum fat effects your organs negatively and can be partially reduced by lowering your bodies' Inflamation levels. Guess what helps lower your bodies' Inflamation levels? - O3FAs!
A personal note on this: I have a fight on my hands! It is with my Omentum. I have made some changes to my lifestyle to reduce Inflamation and reduce my belly fat. I have tried to elimate sugar and high-glycemic foods from my lifestyle - which works most of the time. I have taken supplements such as O3FA Fish Oil Capsules and have added healthy Omega 3 foods like salmon and walnuts. My pants size has gone from a size 20 to a size 14 in the past 5 years or so. I still have a ways to go but it is easier now that I have better knowledge on how to take care of myself.
3. Great for Stroke and Heart Attack Prevention: O3FAs help to break up blood clots before they can do damage.
4. Great for your Brain: Studies show O3FAs improve memory, focus and brain function.
5. Great for your blues: Studies have shown that O3FAs help to relieve Depression and even Psycosis.
6. And, recent studies have shown that O3FAs have helped build muscle mass in cancer patients!
Think about taking the next step to your good health - EPA - DHA Fish Oil Capsules ($40 for 120 softgels) - sold at my desk in the office.
For some of my research I have referenced:
One of my favorite books 'You: On a Diet' by Dr Michael F. Roizen and Dr. Mehmet C. Oz
and http://www.metagenics.com/
The bottle describes EPA-DHA 720 as follows:
EPA-DHA 720 is a highly concentrated source of health-promoting omega-3 essential fatty acids from cold water fish - a total of 720 mg EPA and DHA per softgel, the highest level available. Advantages of this premium formula include:
- pharmaceutical-grade fish oil
- purity certified
- natural lemon flavor
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Virginia's Long Island: Touch of Health Massage Artistry
Virginia's Long Island: Touch of Health Massage Artistry: "In order to start this post on my therapeutic massage experience, I have to give you some background. Twenty or so years ago, I was dr..."
Touch of Health Massage Artistry
416 Route 25A, East Setauket, NY 11733
631-751-7700 (office) 516-658-4059 (cell)
Have you ever experienced a Therapeutic Massage? Now is a great time! Many of our patients like to loosen up with a Massage immediately before a Chiropractic Adjustment.
Marisa Chadbourne of Touch of Health Massage Artistry is our resident Massage Therapist. Many people, including myself, attest to the fact that Marisa is the best Massage Therapist that they have ever been to, by far!
For personal view of Touch of Health Massage Artistry - please check out my other blog http://virginiaslongisland.blogspot.com/
Menu of Services:
Therapeutic Massage - choose a combination of Deep Tissue, Medical Massage, Swedish and Accupressure. 30 min ($35) 45 min ($50) 60 min ($65) 90 min ($90)
Hot Stone Massage - Increase the benefits of any massage and feel your tension melt away.
30 min ($45) 45 min ($60) 60 min ($75) 90 min ($100)
Myofascial Release (MFR) and Scar Release - A very effective technique that provides sustained pressure into myofascial restrictions to eliminate pain and restore motion.
30 min ($45) 45 min ($65) 60 min ($85) 90 min ($115)
CranioSacral Therapy - This is a gentle therapy that counteracts the effects of stress on the central nervous system. 30 min ($40) 45 min ($60) 60 min ($80) 90 min ($110)
CranioSacral Therapy and Therapeutic Massage - This combination brings a total healing experience within the mind and body. Relieve tension from a stressful day or focus on your specific ailments.
30 min ($45) 45 min ($60) 60 min ($80) 90 min ($110)
Reiki - This natural, complementary healing modality can help restore and maintain your health by balancing your chakras. 30 min ($45) 45 min ($60) 60 min ($70) or 20 min add on for $25
Aromatherapy - Discover the healing benefits of essential oils with a customized blend added to your treatment. Add $10 to your service.
Massage and MFR Packages - Use your time in any duration you like or give one to a friend.
Massage 5 Hours $299 Massage 10 Hours $549
MFR 5 Hours $399 MFR 10 Hours $749
Monday 12 - 7
Wednesday 12 - 7
Thursday 9 - 5
Friday 9 - 4
Saturday 9 - 2
631-751-7700 (office) 516-658-4059 (cell)
Have you ever experienced a Therapeutic Massage? Now is a great time! Many of our patients like to loosen up with a Massage immediately before a Chiropractic Adjustment.
Marisa Chadbourne of Touch of Health Massage Artistry is our resident Massage Therapist. Many people, including myself, attest to the fact that Marisa is the best Massage Therapist that they have ever been to, by far!
For personal view of Touch of Health Massage Artistry - please check out my other blog http://virginiaslongisland.blogspot.com/
Menu of Services:
Therapeutic Massage - choose a combination of Deep Tissue, Medical Massage, Swedish and Accupressure. 30 min ($35) 45 min ($50) 60 min ($65) 90 min ($90)
Hot Stone Massage - Increase the benefits of any massage and feel your tension melt away.
30 min ($45) 45 min ($60) 60 min ($75) 90 min ($100)
Myofascial Release (MFR) and Scar Release - A very effective technique that provides sustained pressure into myofascial restrictions to eliminate pain and restore motion.
30 min ($45) 45 min ($65) 60 min ($85) 90 min ($115)
CranioSacral Therapy - This is a gentle therapy that counteracts the effects of stress on the central nervous system. 30 min ($40) 45 min ($60) 60 min ($80) 90 min ($110)
CranioSacral Therapy and Therapeutic Massage - This combination brings a total healing experience within the mind and body. Relieve tension from a stressful day or focus on your specific ailments.
30 min ($45) 45 min ($60) 60 min ($80) 90 min ($110)
Reiki - This natural, complementary healing modality can help restore and maintain your health by balancing your chakras. 30 min ($45) 45 min ($60) 60 min ($70) or 20 min add on for $25
Aromatherapy - Discover the healing benefits of essential oils with a customized blend added to your treatment. Add $10 to your service.
Massage and MFR Packages - Use your time in any duration you like or give one to a friend.
Massage 5 Hours $299 Massage 10 Hours $549
MFR 5 Hours $399 MFR 10 Hours $749
Monday 12 - 7
Wednesday 12 - 7
Thursday 9 - 5
Friday 9 - 4
Saturday 9 - 2
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Port Jefferson Chiropractic: Views From The Front Desk
Port Jefferson Chiropractic: Views From The Front Desk: "A few years ago, when I was a patient of Doctor Horney's, I decided to leave my domestic bliss and try to get a job. I wanted a relati..."
Doctor Horney is a Certified Hypnotist. Hypnotism is one of those things that most people don't think about. I certaintly didn't give it a chance until I met a hypnotist that I trusted. (Dr. H) This past summer, I asked Doctor Horney to help me through hypnosis. I wanted to stop craving certain foods and to put wellness in the forefront of my thinking. I was tired of the "I shouldn'ts". I was tired of trying to force myself to make healthy choices. I wanted my healthy choices to come naturally. I spoke about this with him at length and then I underwent the hypnosis.
I laid down with a comfy pillow under my head on the table in room three (my favorite table). I listened to Dr. Horney walk me through some steps to relaxing. I pictured an escalator bringing me to my peaceful place. In my case, my peaceful place is my backyard. Even though I was awake and aware the entire time, I was very relaxed.
I heard Doctor Horney telling me that my health is important and my choices are good for me. I heard him tell me that I would enjoy food and wine more if I savored it. I heard him tell me that I am happy and relaxed and my future choices will be healthful. At a certain point, I felt like he was speaking to me from another room. Then I took the escalator back to the here and now. What a relaxing experience!
After that I learned that I could go back to that peaceful place in my mind with mindful breathing and thinking. This helps to solidify the experience.
Did it work for me? Overall, I feel that it did. I make easier choices about food and lifestyle. It is a nice feeling to leave behind guilt driven motivations for an easier existence. Do I still make unhealthy choices? Sure, but because I want to. Not because I feel compelled. Sometimes I still eat and drink too much, but not as often as I used to. Overall, I am more relaxed and that is what I want in my life.
- Virginia
I laid down with a comfy pillow under my head on the table in room three (my favorite table). I listened to Dr. Horney walk me through some steps to relaxing. I pictured an escalator bringing me to my peaceful place. In my case, my peaceful place is my backyard. Even though I was awake and aware the entire time, I was very relaxed.
I heard Doctor Horney telling me that my health is important and my choices are good for me. I heard him tell me that I would enjoy food and wine more if I savored it. I heard him tell me that I am happy and relaxed and my future choices will be healthful. At a certain point, I felt like he was speaking to me from another room. Then I took the escalator back to the here and now. What a relaxing experience!
After that I learned that I could go back to that peaceful place in my mind with mindful breathing and thinking. This helps to solidify the experience.
Did it work for me? Overall, I feel that it did. I make easier choices about food and lifestyle. It is a nice feeling to leave behind guilt driven motivations for an easier existence. Do I still make unhealthy choices? Sure, but because I want to. Not because I feel compelled. Sometimes I still eat and drink too much, but not as often as I used to. Overall, I am more relaxed and that is what I want in my life.
- Virginia
Views From The Front Desk
A few years ago, when I was a patient of Doctor Horney's, I decided to leave my domestic bliss and try to get a job. I wanted a relatively stress-free part-time position in a small office. After a few weeks of listening to me gripe about trying to get a job in a recession, he asked if I wanted a job at Port Jefferson Chiropractic. Of course I did!
My view from the front desk changes every day. On some days, when patients come to us in pain, it is a subdued place of healing. Other days, when a patient or one of the staff has a funny story or joke it is an exuberant place to be! Every day it is a peaceful, healing place to be a part of.
It is wonderful to want to come to work. The staff is truly unique and exceptional. Doctor Horney has over 30 years of experience, as does Doctor Curcio. Both are a pleasure to work with. Laura is a motivating font of knowledge who keeps us happily moving into the future. Christine and Alice are the backbone of our office. (Pardon the chiropractic pun!) Both wonderful ladies make the office a place that I look forward to. Marisa, of Touch of Health Massage Artistry, is a special person who is the best massage therapist that I have ever been a client of. I will touch on these amazing people in future blog posts.
Over the last few years, I have taken advantage of the many sides of the office. I have had many massages, a practice that I highly recommend for stress and pain relief. In fact, I think I may be addicted. I get my back and neck adjusted when I start to feel like I need it. When my lower back acts up, I am treated to moist heat on my back and neck and ultrasound on my lower back. This blissful 20 minutes happens when I am at work and it is a nice peaceful break. I use the Metagenics products. I take vitamins/minerals, fish oil and I am a fan of the meal replacement shakes. I will admit that I need to be more consistent with these supplements. Maybe you can remind me when you see me! ;) Both Andrew, my husband, and I have custom-made orthotics. These have made a difference in our posture and help us when walking/jogging at the gym. The best part of all is that I have made friends with my co-workers and our wonderful patients. I look forward to everyones' stories and jokes. (Especially Doctor Curcio's jokes!) My motto is Relax and try to Laugh at least once a day.
My view from the front desk changes every day. On some days, when patients come to us in pain, it is a subdued place of healing. Other days, when a patient or one of the staff has a funny story or joke it is an exuberant place to be! Every day it is a peaceful, healing place to be a part of.
It is wonderful to want to come to work. The staff is truly unique and exceptional. Doctor Horney has over 30 years of experience, as does Doctor Curcio. Both are a pleasure to work with. Laura is a motivating font of knowledge who keeps us happily moving into the future. Christine and Alice are the backbone of our office. (Pardon the chiropractic pun!) Both wonderful ladies make the office a place that I look forward to. Marisa, of Touch of Health Massage Artistry, is a special person who is the best massage therapist that I have ever been a client of. I will touch on these amazing people in future blog posts.
Over the last few years, I have taken advantage of the many sides of the office. I have had many massages, a practice that I highly recommend for stress and pain relief. In fact, I think I may be addicted. I get my back and neck adjusted when I start to feel like I need it. When my lower back acts up, I am treated to moist heat on my back and neck and ultrasound on my lower back. This blissful 20 minutes happens when I am at work and it is a nice peaceful break. I use the Metagenics products. I take vitamins/minerals, fish oil and I am a fan of the meal replacement shakes. I will admit that I need to be more consistent with these supplements. Maybe you can remind me when you see me! ;) Both Andrew, my husband, and I have custom-made orthotics. These have made a difference in our posture and help us when walking/jogging at the gym. The best part of all is that I have made friends with my co-workers and our wonderful patients. I look forward to everyones' stories and jokes. (Especially Doctor Curcio's jokes!) My motto is Relax and try to Laugh at least once a day.
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